Tag - Vaslav Nijinsky


Polish Dance Platform – Lublin 2014

A first for DanceTabs in covering the Polish Dance Platform event - 3 days of contemporary dance and big thinking in Lublin. Lucy Ribchester, who has covered much dance at the Edinburgh festivals, reports on a wide ranging event...


The Lost Rite – Millicent Hodson and Kenneth Archer document ‘their’ Rite of Spring in a newly released book

Kenneth Archer and Millicent Hodson have contributed a number of articles to DanceTabs and before that ballet.co.uk. Their last piece, on ‘Jeux’ reaching its centenary in 2013, can be found here and includes links to other articles, either by them or about their work. The Lost Rite Millicent Hodson, Kenneth Archer, Shira Klasmer KMS Press ISBN 099 287 5803, paperback, 250 pages, £54...


Russian Ballet Icons – Nijinsky Gala – London

Though this year it was Nijinsky’s turn to be reclaimed as a Russian icon, the contents of the gala had little to do with him. Very probably the choice of items – mainly pas de deux - depended on which dancers were available to perform whatever was in their repertoire.