Tag - Scottish Ballet


Sarasota Ballet – Digital Program 3: work by Darrell, Wright, Walsh, Wheeldon, Bourne & MacMillan

★★★★✰   Program 3 features all-British choreographers: Peter Wright, Peter Darrell, Christopher Wheeldon, Matthew Bourne and Kenneth MacMillan. The exception is a solo by American Dominic Walsh, created for his own contemporary dance company. ...Some of the selections are probably unfamiliar to American audiences, as well as to British ballet fans of a younger vintage.


Scottish Ballet – The Secret Theatre – streaming from Glasgow

★★★★★   Scottish Ballet have come up with a delightfully life-affirming present to blow away the Covid blues this Christmas. It's not a film of an existing ballet, as we usually see at this time of year, but a ballet feature film - something made just for the camera and in which the camera is choreographed into the action. The result is a huge success...


Road to Recovery: Instagram vs Reality

Araminta Wraith, Scottish Ballet soloist, is a DanceTabs guest blogger during the companies 50th anniversary season. This is her fourth blog and all about dancers and injuries - it's a very personal and heartfelt tale...