Tag - London


Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch – Ten Chi – London

Ten Chi is like a musical composition mostly in a minor key – an accumulation of moments and motifs without a strong sense of purpose. In fact, much of the recorded music seems half-heard in sleep. There’s a pervasive feeling of melancholy, of a culture beyond comprehension except in crass tourist terms.


Mark Bruce Company – Made in Heaven – London

My goodness what a fabulously surreal and wonderful night Made in Heaven proved. Like a vivid dream you recall snatches of a mad roller-coaster ride where the whole is totally unfathomable as any kind of coherent story or message about life, the universe, or anything...


Wah! Wah! Girls – London

I have a feeling that there may be a musical in here good enough to match the strength of the comedy and set design; if the level of the bar of song and dance can be raised to make a better impact against this over-bearing story.